CONTACT FORM (No document) – Search, Digitization, or Purchase of Birth Certificates from All Over Mexico

Search, Digitization, or Purchase of Birth Certificates Across Mexico

Do you need a Mexican birth certificate? Whether you require a new copy, need to digitize an existing record, or locate a lost document, we can help! We have agents in all 32 Mexican states with direct access to civil registry archives.


Common cases we resolve:

  • Replacing old or damaged certificates.
  • Digitizing records not yet in the system.
  • Locating records not available online.
  • Obtaining certificates without CURP or with an unknown CURP.
  • You have the full name, date of birth, place of birth, and parent's names of the person you are searching for, but not the certificate.
  • You need to obtain the CURP for an individual.
  • Government offices you need to contact are not answering the phone.


Regardless of your situation, our team can manage the process quickly and reliably. Contact us to discuss your needs and confirm pricing. All prices are consistent for digitalized certificates; search and digitization costs vary by state.

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Quote request – Search, Digitization, or Purchase of Birth Certificates (No document)

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