Dual nationality isa situation in which an individual holds citizenship of two or more countries at the same time. Dual nationality can result from a variety of circumstances, such as marriage to a foreign national, adoption, prolonged residence in a foreign country, having parents from such countries, among others. In this article, we will focus on the benefits of obtaining dual nationality with a focus on Mexican nationality.

Dual Mexican nationality offers many benefits to those who obtain it. For Mexican citizens who are also citizens of another country, they can take advantage of all the advantages that both nationalities offer. As there are citizens of Mexico and another country, these individuals can work, study and travel freely in both countries, which gives them greater opportunities and greater freedom of movement. Mexican nationality also helps you buy property in Mexico without paying so much tax and without suffering as many restrictions.

In the specific case of Mexico, having dual nationality allows citizens to have access to a wide range of rights and benefits. Mexican citizens who also have citizenship of another country have the right to receive health care, education, and other public services without restrictions, no matter what country they are in. In addition, Mexican citizens who are also citizens of another country have  the right to vote and participate in elections in both countries.

Dual nationality can also be a great advantage for those who wish to establish a business in Mexico or abroad. Being a citizen of two countries, individuals can take advantage of both markets and have a greater ability to create business relationships. The NAFTA / T-MEC treaty gives a great advantage to individuals who have commercial accessibility in both countries. This means you can take advantage of government benefits, focused on your company, in two countries at once.

Another important benefit of dual nationality is the possibility of protecting the rights of individuals in both countries. In case a Mexican citizen finds himself in a difficult situation in another country, having citizenship of both countries gives them access to the consular services of both nations, which can be especially useful in cases of emergency.

In short, dual Mexican nationality offers a wealth of benefits to those who obtain it. From greater freedom of movement to a wide range of rights and benefits, dual nationality allows Mexican citizens to enjoy the best of both worlds. If you are considering dual citizenship, we recommend that you inform yourself about the requirements and procedures necessary to obtain it. There is no doubt that having dual nationality can be a huge advantage in many aspects of life.

Here in Doble Nacionalidad Express, we take pride in helping our clients in obtaining their status in the quickest way possible.