Doble Nacionalidad is a God Send, I don’t think I ever could have accomplished attaining my Mexican citizenship without there help, I tried getting help from the Consulate of Mexico in Dallas, TX & it’s run like a Dictatorship in there,, they are very rude & very unfriendly, so the other option is to travel with my parent to Mexico, but they are in there 80’s & have health issues, so Thank You Doble Nacionalidad in making my dream come through, with the power of using the internet in obtaining my Mexican citizenship. After I received my documents for Mexican citizenship, I right away applied for my Mexican passport,, I had it in less than 2 weeks!,, also the place that Doble Nacionalidad referred me to was Awesome! I had my Mexican passport in less than ONE HOUR!!! once I arrived at Canales furniture store In Arlington, Texas, the Mexican Consulate is on the second floor, they are very organized & very polite, a stark contrast to the Consulate of Mexico in Dallas.